Hallo Suzanne, This post is going to three people only, ie:- Primarily yourself and two savvy colleages…..
As it happens… I have a niece who scientifically cloned animals, past tense. You wrote that you wished you could clone me, but - Cloning Humans is Illegal. (And scary !!). Nevertheless your concept got me thinking, whilst researching Substack, “what’s the next best thing then ?” I started to notice patterns in many posts starting “How to….” or “How I”
With the way that Substack keeps adding new features, it can actually change the “How”, nor does Substack itself keep it’s working instructions fully up to date. Frustrating…. This, I believe, has led to the upsurge in “How’s” - mostly at a price., and there is no real way to see where the best return on investment is, other than paying a whole bunch of “How” Authors. Who can afford to do that ? OR - How many talented innovative writers can afford to do that ?
We are both aware that Substack is far more likely to feature/promo Paid content than Freeposts. It is for that reason “This Creative Adventure” will only run three months as a Freebie. After that, almost everything will be paywalled. Pledging is already activated…. Pledging now in return for serious discounts - on a sliding scale.
What I have not yet activated is Group Subscriptions, but intend do so on Launch Day. Group Subscriptions are paid by One Member for All. It’s potentially a way to bring a larger number of subscribers simultaneously on board, thereby saving months of work….. months which could be better spent on Saving the World…..
The majority of my posts will be on encouraging All subscribers to do two things, i.e:- One): To do for each other to do what I did for you. Ergo create a proactive network of original thinkers. Two): To encourage and assist Those who do it well to develop further networks. This Creative Adventure has a target audience of writers who are passionate about Our Beautiful World.
Exponential growth to raise Green Consciousness.
E.G., 200x200x200 = Forty Thousand Authors with Eight Million Readers.
And yes I know it never actually works exactly like that in reality, but by taking the path - we improve out chances.
I can write for an audience of unlimited size, but during the first months I’ll need to have many one to one conversations. This means I must initially limit group subs to 200 participants. Preferably all from one source, which is why this post is primarily** for you only….. You have around that number of essay contestants who, I assume, fit the target audience criteria….
Substack standard rates start at 50 USD per annum, 50 USD each for your 200 writers is 10,000 USD. If you would like to help kickstart the Adventure, I’d be happy to accept just 2,000 USD, for all your 200 writers via Substack and Stripe… They take the payment one month after you accept. I’d spend that cash on a Solar Powered Transport Project, which I am involved with (Occasional posts will be a part of TCA).
I am sure you will have questions, Suzanne, please ask soon, and if you would like to accept then please do so before the 28th August.
**= I state Primarily, but this post will automatically appear in the archive available to all subscribers as they join…. I have already had nearly 400 interested parties in the last few days. Pre Launch Subscriptions will be made available in a couple of days time.
Best Wishes, Maurice
Hi Maurice
Congratulations on the near 400 already. Shows that there is definitely an important role for this endeavour, it is exciting. I am happy to promote by restacking if you wish, and I will certainly continue to do that as each post occurs.
Best wishes
Wow Douglas ! Numbers shot up to 564 in less than a day..... very interesting.
Thanks for the restacks, good to have you with me, and I'm glad to reciprocate