I have been missing for a brief period due to a painful flare-up of Cervical Spondylosis, whilst sitting too long at my desk during extreme cold weather. the condition requires almost constant movement…. This Winter has been worse than previous years, needing sedation and constant physio, both causing drowsiness, I am now much better again.
The break has re-empowered me, but to avoid re-occurrence I must take two paths…. A)> Significant reduction of Free Posts, thereby allowing me to properly serve my PAID Subscribers. B)> Spend the coldest months in a region where the Winters are a little warmer & a little shorter; which was the plan anyway via “The Boulevard”, a previously mentioned Green Planet project already instigated.
TCA, FREE TO READ VERSION. (Substack Thought Leader & Newbie Interviews. Tips & General Mentoring. Short repeats of some Paid Growth Articles). 22 x per year.
TCA, PAID VERSION. FULL IN-DEPTH GROWTH ARTICLES Based on a lifetime of Creativity as a Maker/Marketeer, Networker, Writer and Performer…. All coupled with my 21+ months Learning Experience of publishing here on Substack. (N.B. Paid Subscribers also have the right to vote for titles they wish to read soon. (See Below). 44 x per year.
WRITING COMPETITION, With Prizes, recently launched on Both Versions, and on “Yes, I Author !”
The Brief :- Write a short story, in English, max 1,200 words. Topics :- Choose from :- Adventure, Cats, Dragons, Climate. Vein :- Sci-fi/fan, Humour, Political, Romance. Any combination is acceptable, for any age group. Submission date :- No later than 16th March. Results Date :- 11th April. Restrictions :- 1)> No Photographs or Artwork, Please. 2)> Any submission Deemed written by a Non Human is unlikely to be accepted. Eligibility :- Any Human Newbie Writer who reads this invitation. Newbie is defined as having less than 200 free or paid subscribers. Prizes :- TCA will take a Paid subscription to the winners stack, AND give a Complimentary 12 month Subs to TCA's Paid version. PLUS an Interview on the Free Version. Plus an offer to cross-post the winning story, both here and on Yes, I Author ! A selected number of submissions may also be offered Some of these prizes ! Sharpen your quills !! Please email me your stories as a pdf to with "Competition" as the subject. Thankyou, Maurice.
How to gain a Complimentary Subscription to TCA Paid Version…..
Entering the competition is not the only route…. Community Engagement is considered of great value, Ergo: Free subscribers who exchange comments (e.g., such as three intelligent sentences) when liking a post, are likely to be given a one month Comp. Better still - when Restacking, are more likely to receive a two or three month comp. Rewards like this are fairly normal practise on Substack. Join the Community ?……
Newbie Human Writers who agree to be interviewed will receive two months Comps. Those who are picked and complete an interview will receive Twelve Months. If you are interested, please make contact soon.
I constantly read up on the way Substack operates and develops. Not just their own “Support” Articles, but also the Tips and Lessons from my colleagues, on such issues as confront me on my own Adventure. Probably the same issues that confront so many Newbies here. I have 30+ different rough drafts, created and added to during these last 21 months…. It consumes time. If time is precious you could take the short cuts I offer to Paid Subscribers…..
Paid Subscribers. You can vote on which In-depth article you would like to read on March 14th. Here’s a selection of partly prepped post,…. just Direct Message me your vote.
Why Articles need storytelling. Why Frontload. Why Interviews are so Valuable. Colour Choices, What they mean to Your Success. Why Niche is not Always Important. Using Special Pages. Why Build a Library. Random vs Targeted Promos. Why recommend. How Best to do it. Networking is King, beware the Varlets. Why small enterprises can beat the Giants. Partnerships in Promotions. Why Substack supports your Game-Upping. Is your C.V. Clumsy ? Engagement & Community. Why Multistack. s'Funny you put it That way. Grokking the Data.
TCA #18, Feb 14. Choosing your Guru, Why & How.
TCA #19, Feb 21. Why Autism is not, per se, a Writers Barrier.
TCA #20, Feb 28. Why it’s so hard to get Paid.
TCA #21, Mar 7. Why a Hero Post.
Commiserations on your health challenges and best wishes for your recovery.